Tuesday, July 21, 2009



I am Maria Alyssa Antoniette B. Naranjo, a simple girl with a simple ambition in life, but for me this is the biggest task, big mission of all the work, because of this, the future of many children’s are lies in you.

First of all, my ambition is to finish my study and to become a successful teacher someday. The word “teacher” is just a simple word, but, like most teachers says, that being a teacher is not easy, it is very tired, and you bring your work anywhere.
My willingness to choose this ambition is that, I want to teach children’s, to guide them through their way to reach their dreams, to help them discover their unique and wonderful talents that God given .I will teach them, in how to be a good and future leader in the world, being a good citizen and respecting all living things around, especially the poor and needy that they want to be educated. So that someday, every one of us is educated. I also choose this, not because that I want to follow the steps of my mother but to pay the love care and everything they have given to me by taking care of them.

How I wish that all dreams will be reached with more hope and faith. But when reaching our dreams, we must mix it up with studying hard, perseverance, and willingness to do things.

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